Classroom AV Assistance
Immediate need: 773-834-4499
Other requests:
(8am – 7pm, until 6pm Fridays)
Digital Accessibility Support
Digital Accessibility Training
Digital Accessibility Resources
UChicago-specific Canvas Questions
(weekdays, 8:30am-4pm)
24×7 Help Using Canvas
Call the Canvas Support Line: 833-564-8137 (instructors)
844-334-6803 (students)
Live chat is also available when logged into Canvas; link in the Help menu, found at the bottom of the far left navigation.
How Can We Help?
Academic Technology Solutions is here to work closely with faculty and instructors to facilitate the use of technology in teaching, research, and scholarship. We want to partner with you to find the right solutions to meet your pedagogical or scholarly goals. Our team has skills in areas from instructional design to multimedia development. If you have a new idea about something to try, contact us to set up a conversation.