ATS Office Hours

Office hours are currently held via Zoom. They allow you to meet virtually with ATS staff to ask any questions you may have about Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, or other teaching tools. All Virtual Office Hours are available at this Zoom link. If you’re unable to drop by during our scheduled office hours, you can also book a consultation with an instructional designer.

Canvas New Quizzes VOH: Drop by our virtual office hours every Monday between 12 and 3 to learn about Canvas New Quizzes. You’ll find out how they compare to Classic Quizzes, what new features they have, and how they can help you in your teaching practice. Sessions start every half hour.

Winter Quarter 2025 Office Hours (Virtual Only)

  • Monday: 12-3 pm
  • Tuesday: 11 am-2 pm
  • Wednesday: 11 am-1 pm
  • Thursday: 11 am-1 pm

For Weeks 1-3 of Winter Quarter (Jan. 6 to Jan. 23), Monday and Tuesday office hours will be hybrid (virtual or walk-in at the Regenstein TechBar). Beginning with Week 4 and continuing through the end of the quarter, all office hours will be virtual only.

Virtual Office Hours are available at this Zoom link.