Teaching in Multiple Modalities
ATS offers workshops in Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, and other technologies related to digital pedagogy, as well as other topics. See our workshops and events
Office Hours
At office hours (in-person or virtual), you can get one-on-one help with any questions you have about technology and teaching. Learn more about Office Hours
Instructional Design Consultations
Promote Your Students’ Mental Health and Wellness with Digital Technologies
College can be an exciting and enjoyable time, but it can also bring with it various stresses. Heavy workloads, looming deadlines, worries over financial aid – these can be a great enough burden even without external stressors, such as family difficulties,new...
Two Ways to Annotate Videos in Canvas
Social annotation promotes active learning and fosters collaboration among students and instructors. With social annotation, students benefit from seeing multiple perspectives and interpretations from their peers, creating a rich, collaborative learning environment....
Hide Grade Distribution Graphs from Students in Canvas
By default, students enrolled in a Canvas course are able to view a grade distribution graph (GDG) for an assignment once five or more students have submitted that assignment. The GDG, which shows mean, high, and low scores for the assignment, is displayed when the...