Audio-Visual Services Team

The Audio-Visual Services team is responsible for the support and maintenance of classroom AV equipment in central pool classrooms and for campus audio-visual (AV) standards.

Our Focus

We purchase, install, maintain, and update AV equipment and support faculty, instructors, and staff in using our central pool classrooms. We also support the academic mission of the University by providing fee-for-service small event support, equipment rentals, free equipment tutorials, and video production and editing services for academic content. We maintain a set of AV standards for the campus to streamline purchasing, installation & support, and simplify the user experience.

What We Do

We manage and support AV technologies in a variety of pedagogical and academic contexts.

  • Our team maintains and supports the AV equipment in central pool classrooms. 
  • We rent AV equipment for special events at the University and offer consultations and training sessions on proper equipment usage. 
  • We maintain a set of AV Standards for the campus, and we provide consulting for new AV installations or refresh projects across campus for all types of settings. 
  • We maintain a fully functional video production studio with optional lightboard, self-service video studio (the OneButton Studio), and we can provide video production and editing services, including the digitization of course materials. 
  • We run the digital signage service for the campus.

How We Can Help You

If you need help using or setting up AV technology for classroom use, or choosing from our wide variety of AV tools, we are available for individual consultations with faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants. You can borrow and receive a tutorial on AV equipment for instructional use if your classroom does not have something specific that you need. The list of equipment available for lending includes a range of projectors, screens, speakers, document cameras, video conferencing kits, DVD players, cables, and adapters. We also rent a range of audio recorders, mixers, cameras, tripods, and microphones available to reserve for your academic project or event. You can make a reservation by calling 773-834-4499 or emailing

If you are holding a class or laboratory session where your students need access to computers, you can reserve one of two PC-equipped computer classrooms. The Registrar prioritizes classroom/laboratory use for these spaces, but they are also available for training activities and online exam sessions. Email to begin the reservation process. As an alternative, students can access the same software in our virtual lab environment (vLab). If you have specific software needs for your sessions, please contact us at least two weeks ahead so we can schedule time to install and configure the lab accordingly. 

AV consultations can be requested from our AV engineering and design team for upcoming projects for AV refresh work or new construction projects. Please fill out an AV consultation request form and we’ll be in touch to set up an initial meeting.