What is it?

New Quizzes is a redesign of Classic Quizzes for instructors seeking enhanced assessment tools.

If you are familiar with Classic Quizzes features, then the transition to New Quizzes will be smooth and intuitive. New Quizzes offers a refreshed interface, additional question types, an enhanced rich content editor, and improved analytics to assess quiz patterns. (To compare the two, see New Quizzes Feature Comparison.)

Benefits of New Quizzes

Simplified Quiz Creation

The New Quizzes interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing instructors the ability to create and manage quizzes.  The drag-and-drop functionality and improved organization of question banks mean you can set up quizzes faster and with greater precision. Whether you are designing a simple quiz or a complex assessment, the streamlined process helps you focus on crafting high-quality questions, not the tool to build them.

Diverse Question Types

New Quizzes offers more variety in question types, with new options including categorization, stimulus, and image hot spot questions (hot spot questions are currently, not ADA-compatible). These new options offer more flexibility for dynamic and comprehensive assessments, catering to different learning styles.  The New Quizzes interface also simplifies duplicating questions and exams.

Efficient Grading

One of the standout benefits of New Quizzes is its advanced grading options.  Automated grading significantly reduces the time spent on grading, while customizable grading scales allow for tailored evaluations based on the quiz format. Instructors can set up automatic scoring rules and adjust point values for different questions, ensuring that the grading reflects the importance of each question. New Quizzes offers the flexibility of creating assessments with a mix of manually and automatically graded questions.

Accessibility Enhancements

New Quizzes includes features that enhance accessibility, ensuring that quizzes are navigable and understandable for all students, including those with disabilities. New Quizzes also includes improved support for alternative text and other accessibility options that help ensure that all students can access and complete quizzes effectively. Printing is available in New Quizzes for students with visual impairments or learning disabilities. This can also be helpful if a student simply needs to take a quiz without a computer.  Student accommodations are centralized and apply across all quizzes, enabling faculty to set up accommodations once, rather than having to recreate them each time they create a quiz.

Enable New Quizzes

Currently, all courses have Classic Quizzes as the default assessment.  To use New Quizzes, you must first enable it.  In the course navigation to the left, select Settings.  Select the Feature Options tab, select New Quizzes, then Enabled.  This will enable the option to select Classic Quizzes or New Quizzes when you select Quiz+.

Feature Options with option to enable New Quizzes indicated

When the New Quizzes feature is enabled, you are now able to select a Quiz Engine before crafting the quiz.

Dialog box for choosing a quiz engine

Build a Quiz

The New Quizzes interface makes creating a quiz require less toggling between the Details and Questions tabs. To get started, you will click on the Build button after entering quiz details.  Selecting Build opens the New Quizzes interface to create your assessment.

Build section of New Quizzes interface

Quiz types available in New Quizzes

Considerations before using New Quizzes

  • The graded and ungraded survey options are not available in New Quizzes.
  • Quiz accommodations cannot be edited once a student begins a quiz attempt. When adding an accommodation to an individual Quiz, you must add the time prior to the student starting the Quiz.
  • You can only migrate from Classic to New Quizzes one quiz at a time.
  • Migrating embedded media might not migrate properly, so be sure to check embedded media before launching a quiz.
  • Exporting and importing a quiz to a new course occasionally imports the Quiz with a different point value, so always check migrated quizzes before launching them for students.

Additional Resources

For all up-to-date enhancements and bug fixes, review the New Quizzes Hub. There you can find many resources including the following:

For individual assistance, you can visit Academic Technology Solutions office hours, schedule a consultation with an instructional designer, or email academictech@uchicago.edu. For a list of our upcoming ATS workshops, please visit our workshop schedule for events that fit your schedule.