Autumn Quarter 2022 is almost here, and now is the perfect time to request a course blog for your Autumn course. Course blogs are a powerful tool for stimulating student creativity and can fill many different roles within your pedagogy, from discussion boards to digital exhibition platforms. We currently offer two basic templates for a course blog — Single List (designed for blogging on a single topic) and Categories (designed for blogging on multiple topics) — along with more elaborate digital exhibition templates that are available upon request. Your course blog can also be integrated with your Canvas site, making it easy to populate your blog with student users while maintaining student privacy under FERPA.

Single List Blog Template

Categories Blog Template
If you would like to learn more, we invite you to explore the following resources:
- See past use of blogs by courses in English, Cinema and Media Studies, and Latin American Studies
- Learn how Prof. Leslie Rogers (Astronomy and Astrophysics) used a course blog to support her Orders of Magnitude course
- Read our two-part series on encouraging creativity, collaboration, and engagement with course blogs (Part 1 | Part 2)
- Learn how to choose between Canvas Discussion Boards and a course blog
You are also welcome to attend our workshop Effective Pedagogical Use of Course Blogs. The next session will be held Wednesday, September 22, from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.
When you are ready to request your blog, simply fill out our Blog Request Form. (Please allow a turnaround time of three business days for your blog to be created.)
Note to users of course blogs in previous quarters: If you copy your previous Canvas course site into your new course, the Course Site link in Canvas will be copied over, but it will continue to link to the previous course’s blog. If that happens, please request a new blog from us using the Blog Request Form; we will disable the outdated link and replace it with a link to the new blog.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a personal consultation to discuss your plans for your blog, please contact Academic Technology Solutions. You can also drop by our Office Hours; both virtual and in-person hours are available, and no appointment is required.