New Workshops Offered
In Autumn Quarter 2018, many faculty, instructors, graduate students, and staff took advantage of new Canvas workshops offered by Academic Technology Solutions. These new workshops covered how to set up a Canvas site quickly and efficiently; how to use Canvas effectively in humanities courses and STEM courses; how to incorporate multimedia into classroom instruction and student assignments; and how to use Canvas tools for grading student work and providing meaningful feedback. 20 people in all attended these new workshops at the Regenstein Library TechBar.
Custom Workshops a Success
Custom on-demand workshops and walk-ins were also offered to departments throughout campus. Custom workshops included: using Canvas in language instruction, for faculty in Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese; course site design and organization, for Gender and Sexuality Studies instructors teaching in the Core; an introduction to creating a meaningful digital presence, aimed at doctoral candidates going on the academic job market; and more. Many of these were requested by faculty who reached out to ATS staff for assistance. Faculty and instructors in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (NELC) attended a custom walk-in session for their department, during which they were able to get help and advice with Canvas questions in their department’s own space. In total, 75 people attended custom workshops or walk-ins in Autumn Quarter.

The NELC departmental lounge in Pick Hall, where ATS held a custom departmental walk-in
Future Opportunities
ATS is excited by the success of these new offerings, and we are currently seeking ways to further expand our Canvas support. Faculty and instructors who are interested in attending regularly scheduled workshops are encouraged to check out our workshop descriptions and workshop schedule. If you think your department could benefit from a custom workshop or walk-in, we encourage you to reach out to your department chair and other faculty in your department to let them know about available opportunities. If you would like more information on any of ATS’ offerings, or if you would like to schedule a custom workshop or walk-in for your department, please contact us.