In preparation for the upcoming Autumn Quarter, Academic Technology Solutions has updated its workshop offerings. We are offering introductions to digital teaching tools such as Canvas, Zoom, Panopto, Poll Everywhere, and Gradescope; new workshops on blended synchronous learning, for classes including both in-person and remote students; and topical workshops that will help you promote student engagement, design innovative assessments, and make your course more accessible. If you would like to learn more, we encourage you to visit the Current Offerings page on the Teaching Remotely website, where you can see all our offerings and register for upcoming workshops. You can also view recordings of previously offered workshops at the Past Offerings page on Teaching Remotely.

In addition, we continue to offer Virtual Office Hours via Zoom Monday through Friday. Stop by to ask any questions you may have about teaching with technology. To see the schedule and get the link to join, please visit our Virtual Office Hours page.

(Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash)