The author wishes to thank his colleagues on the ATS Learning Design Team for their feedback, and Digital Pedagogy Fellow Kinley LaBerge for valuable assistance in the compilation of this post.

Canvas has implemented features over the past months that can provide valuable support for your pedagogy. As we enter Summer Quarter 2024, we invite you to take a look at these features and see how they can work for you.

Article Contents

Choose When and Whether to Publish Your Zoom Recordings in Canvas

Publish functionality has been enabled for Zoom cloud recordings made using the Zoom-Canvas integration. Previously, any cloud recordings made using this integration were immediately available to all students enrolled in the Canvas course. Now, if you click on the Zoom–University of Chicago Main Account link in your Canvas menu, you will see a toggle switch marked Publish All Recordings. If this is toggled on, all recordings will be made available to your students.

Zoom tab in Canvas with Publish All Recordings toggle indicated by arrow

If you do not wish all recordings to be available to your students, simply make sure that Publish All Recordings is toggled off. You will then see a Publish toggle switch next to each recording. That recording will remain invisible to students until you choose to toggle it on. You thus have fine-grained control over when your students can see your cloud recordings, and if you make a mistake, wish to edit a video, etc., you can leave it unpublished.

Zoom tab in Canvas with Publish All Recordings and individual Publish toggles indicated by arrows


Use the Redesigned Grading Schemes

Canvas grading schemes are a useful tool for customizing your numerical-letter grade equivalents and making them correspond to your syllabus. You can access grading schemes by going to Settings in your Canvas course and checking the Enable course grading scheme box. This will allow you to choose among existing grading schemes, or to create a new one with the +New Grading Scheme button.

Grading Schemes options in Settings menu

If you create a new grading scheme, the dialog box that appears makes it easy for you to set it up. You can organize your grading scheme according to Percentage or Points.

Dialog box for setting up new grading scheme

New functionality in the redesigned grading schemes allows you to edit a grading scheme that is currently in use, or to archive it. If you archive a grading scheme, it will be stored but will not be available for use until such time as you unarchive it. To use this functionality, simply click Manage All Grading Schemes and then choose the pencil icon to edit or the file icon to archive.

Grading scheme name with edit and archive icons indicated by arrows

Note: If you are interested in creative applications of grading schemes, we invite you to check out our past post on “ungrading” with digital tools.

Use the Find and Replace Functionality in the Rich Content Editor

The Canvas Rich Content Editor (RCE) now offers easy-to-use Find and Replace functionality. Simply select Tools and then Find and Replace from the drop-down menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F (PC) / Cmd+F (Mac).

Canvas Rich Content Editor with Tools menu open and Find and Replace selected

A dialog box will then appear. Use this box to find and replace your chosen text.

Dialog box for Find and Replace in Canvas Rich Content Editor

Use Some Content Types Offline in the Canvas Mobile App

The Canvas Student App for mobile devices now supports offline browsing of course content. Students can sync content to their app and view it when internet connectivity is slow or nonexistent.

Canvas Dashboard in mobile app with menu option Manage Offline Content shown

Offline mode does not permit assignment submission or use of external tools that require an internet connection, such as or Gradescope. Also, for your students to view Panopto videos offline, you will need to give them download permissions so that they can download the videos to their devices in advance. For additional details, please see Canvas’ blog post on offline support.

Further Resources and Getting Help

Cover image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay